Battleship Iowa, 1943

The battleship Iowa plans are drawn from the original 1:48 scale drawings and show the battleship Iowa as she appeared in November 1943. Period photos and the design plans show many changes to the battleship Iowa from her commissioning date in February to November as the US Navy enhanced the ship based on battle experience in the Pacific. While the Iowa had a somewhat similar layout as the battleship North Carolina class, she obviously had many differences being 12,000 tons heavier and 150 feet longer in length. The crew’s mess and galley are on the 2nd deck located around the 3rd turret barbette and spreading out further aft, while further forward the electrical and general workshops, the blacksmith shop, and the shipfitter and welder shop provide daily repair and maintenance capabilities for the ship. On the 3rd deck the central passage connects the forward compartments with the after compartments, spanning from just aft of the 2nd barbette to the 3rd barbette. Along the central passage, there are exits to the boiler rooms, 5” projectile and magazines, and repair lockers. On the 3rd deck, you can also see the thick inner side armor as it runs along the ship’s torpedo bulkhead. Locating the side armor inboard was a change from the battleship North Carolina which had the side armor attached to the exterior of the ship.

On the lower decks you can explore the Iowa’s 16” powder magazines and see the individual shells stacked vertically in the barbette structure for each turret. Also on the lower decks, you can see the Iowa’s massive boiler and engine rooms which could propel the ship forward at over 30 knots and which enabled the Iowa to keep up with the fast carriers in the Pacific. It was this high-speed and excellent firepower which kept the Iowa class ships around for decades after their service in WWII ended.

Deck Plans

Below is our collection of plans for the Battleship Iowa. Each deck is printed individually and includes an abbreviation and symbol table. The superstructure decks and the bridge decks are each combined onto a single sheet of paper.

Profile Iowa Profile (inner view)
Bridges Superstructure and Bridge Decks
Superstructure Superstructure Decks
Main Main Deck
2nd Deck
Splinter Deck Splinter Deck
3rd Deck 3rd Deck
1st Platform 1st Platform Deck
2nd Platform 2nd Platform Deck
3rd Platform 3rd Platform Deck
Hold Hold
3rd Bottom 3rd Bottom
Inner Bottom Inner Bottom
Lines Plans

The lines plans include hull dimensions to assist the modeler in accurately recreating the ship's hull. While the sheer and half-breadth plans are scaled to the selected purchase scale (see below), we print the body plan in a slightly larger scale to assist the modeler (unless requested otherwise): for 1:192 scaled plans, the body plan is printed at 1:96, and for 1:250 scaled plans, the body plan is printed at 1:192.

Body plan

The body plan includes the following stations: -16, -12, -8, -4, 0, .25, .5, 1, 2, 3 through 35, 35.5, 36, 36.5, 37, 37.5, 38, 38.5, 39, 39.5, 40, 40+4

Sheer plan

The sheer plan includes the following buttock lines (in feet from ship's centerline): 2, 4, 6, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24, 28, 32, 36, 40, 44, 48, 52.

Half-breadth plan

The half-breadth plan includes the following waterlines: 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24, 29, 34-7 1/4, 39-6, 44, 47, 50, 53, 56, 60, 64

Purchasing Plans

All orders include both the deck and the lines plans shown above. The tables below show the quantity and plan dimensions (rounded to the nearest 1/8") for two common plan scales. The 1:192 scaled plans bring the interior details to life, but does require a large viewing surface, while the 1:250 scaled plans—being a bit smaller—are easier to work with. For individuals interested in a different plan size, our CAD plans may be scaled to just about any desired size. Please contact us for custom scaled plans.

Note that we only sell paper copies of our plans; no pdf files are offered.

1:192 Scale Plans
Plan Dimensions
Quantity Width x Length
99-1/2" x 57-1/2"
19-1/2" x 36-1/2"
19-1/2" x 16-1/2"
19-1/2" x 27"
112-1/2" x 57-1/2"
26-3/4" x 57-1/2"
112-1/2" x 17-1/2"
Price: $149
1:250 Scale Plans
Plan Dimensions
Quantity Width x Length
97-1/2" x 44-3/8"
17-1/2" x 28-1/4"
17-1/2" x 12-7/8"
17-1/2" x 21"
19-7/8" x 44-3/8"
25-3/8" x 44-3/8"
16-3/4" x 9-1/4"
Price: $129
Custom Scale
Interested in a custom scale for the Iowa? Please contact us and we will email you a customer ID code along with the cost for the desired scale. To purchase, simply enter the provided customer ID code below and hit the Add to Cart button.

Below are several photos of the Iowa. Select a thumbnail to view the larger photo.

Bow construction Stern construction Bow construction Stern construction Bow construction Stern construction Bow construction Stern construction Bow construction Stern construction Bow construction Stern construction Bow construction Stern construction Bow construction Stern construction Overview construction Bow construction Stern construction
Working Up
As completed bow As completed, top of turret #2